Monday, October 20, 2008

Bleeds and Presenting your magazine cover...

To add bleeds you need to:
1) Set up 1/8" guides on your artboard

2) Your artwork should extend 1/8" past the final dimension of your magazine cover

3) When you're ready to print, click on 'Marks & Bleeds'
4) Check 'Trim Marks'
5) Change bleeds to '0.125 in'

When you're placing your final magazine cover on black mat board, you need to:
1) Measure the width of your cover.
2) Subtract that measurement from the width of your mat board (in this case it is 16")
3) Divide that number by 2 and you will have the distance you need between the edge of your cover to the edge of your mat board.

Hope this helps!

Art Supplies, SmArt Supplies...

I've been asked a few times where to get the necessary art supplies for my class. Here's the answer to all of your problems. There is a store in Capitol Hill called Utrecht. Check them out online at
